Moisan & Associates offer a wide range of services that covers all of your requirements. Our biggest asset is our experience in the business world and providing realistic solutions to your needs, not standard answers that may not fit your business.
In the cases of very specialized needs, we have a network of professionals that we can consult with to accomplish the task.
Below are some of the common services we provide to you:
- Accounting & Auditing
- Consulting
- Estate & Trusts
- Incorporation & Business Succession Planning
- Tax Services
- Bookkeeping Support
Accounting & Auditing
We offer Audited or Reviewed Statements that will comply with Canadian GAAP standards for Small to Medium Private Companies and Not-For-Profit/Charities. The standards known as Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) are in use for the Private Companies’ statements. All our Audits and Reviews are completed by Norm who is a Public Licensed Chartered Professional Accountant.
We also offer Notice to Readers, Pro Forma Statements and Projections as to provide your stakeholders with all the information they require.
We can help your business identify areas negatively affecting profitability and growth and develop solutions that are practical. In addition to acting as a sounding board for management, we provide comprehensive, flexible strategies that address the issues affecting your business. We can be engaged for monthly, quarterly or on an as-needed basis for our consulting services.
Estates &Trusts
You have worked your whole life amassing your current and future wealth and want to make sure that it is being allocated in the most tax friendly way. Planning for the future is important to make sure that you and your love ones will receive the most of that wealth. Proper structure is the key to succeeding in estate planning. Every situation is different and requires a different approach to maximize the tax saving benefits and reaching your particular goals.
Incorporation & Business Succession Planning
These two areas have become important focus for many business owners. We provide the guidance to allow the proper decision on when to incorporate or remain either a sole proprietor or partnership. That includes the tax advantages to all of the previously mentioned tax structures.
Business Succession Planning is a key to many business owners out there. Many miss the opportunity to tax plan effectively and efficiently. Without tax planning ahead of time, it may cost owner several of thousand to tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. Strategies may take a few years to blossom or can be done rather quickly. Don’t wait to discuss this.
Tax Services
We provide Personal, Corporate and Trust tax preparation and advisory services. Tax planning is the key to saving your funds and maintaining your wealth.
As part of the tax preparation, we complete all the necessary forms and provide you with tax planning when we observe an opportunity to either save taxes or where a risk may be present.
We also provide preparation of all other types of compliance including HST returns and rebate forms, Payroll deductions and remittances, EHT, WSIB, T4, T5 and T5018.
Bookkeeping Support
We offer full bookkeeping services including full payroll services, and various government forms and remittances (HST, EHT, WSIB and year end T4, T5, T5018). We will provide reconciled banks monthly statements and year end statements as needed.